
Latest Scholarships in Canada 2025 – Apply Now

For the academic year , scholarships are presently available for online applications from both national and international students in Canada. By submitting a free online scholarship application to Canadian universities, you have the opportunity to receive a fully funded scholarship.

Rest assured, there is no need for concern. If you are eligible, we have compiled a list of scholarships in Canada for international students in. Feel free to apply. This article discusses all the pertinent information that should be considered when making a decision.

We dedicated an inordinate amount of time to compiling this list, and we typically distribute it to students who submit applications for the Premium Counselling plan. However, we are pleased to provide our readers with this list of scholarships in Canada at no cost.

Nevertheless, we have resolved to distribute this list to all pupils at this time. We are of the firm conviction that the cost of foreign universities should not be a barrier to the opportunity for everyone to study abroad.

Check Also: New Universities Scholarships in Canada -Without IELTS

Latest Scholarships in Canada:

We shall promptly proceed to the exhaustive list of scholarships in Canada that are accessible to both Canadian nationals and international students::

Graduate Global Leadership Fellowships at UBC:

Individuals from developing countries who are interested in pursuing doctoral studies at the University and possess leadership potential are eligible for the Graduate Global Leadership Fellowships at UBC. This scholarship is intended for individuals who have exhibited leadership in humanitarian and development initiatives within their respective countries.

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International Master’s Degree and Doctoral Program Awards by the University of Waterloo

Students who are enrolled in research-oriented graduate-level programs and have valid Canadian student visas are eligible for the International Master’s Degree and Doctoral Program Awards from the University of Waterloo. International scholars have access to exceptional funding opportunities.

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Vanier Canada Scholarship for Graduate Students:

The Canadian government has initiated the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) in order to attract Ph.D.-level students and establish Canada as a hub of exceptional higher education and research.

In order to be considered for the scholarship, applicants must demonstrate exceptional academic performance, leadership qualities, and research potential in their Master’s degrees in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Engineering, Health, and Natural Sciences. The application procedure commences in July.

Ontario Graduate Scholarship:

The Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) program is a provincial government-operated initiative that is intended to advance students who have demonstrated exceptional performance at the Master’s and doctoral levels. Students from all disciplines are granted the scholarship on the basis of their academic performance. The deadline for applications is October.

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Ontario Trillium Scholarship

The Ontario Trillium Scholarship is designed to support exceptionally talented students from around the globe who are pursuing Ph.D. programs in Ontario.

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Albert Canadian Scholarship:

The Alberta Canadian scholarship is annually awarded to undergraduate or postgraduate students and is sponsored by a Canadian non-governmental organization.

Graduate Fellowships by University of Manitoba:

Student of all nationalities who desire to pursue full-time graduate studies at the University of Manitoba are awarded the University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships, also known as UMGF, on the basis of merit. It is available to students in any discipline, with the exception of those who are pursuing MBA degrees or medicine.

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Graduate Awards at University of Calgary

The Graduate Scholarship Office provides a variety of honors to international students who have been granted admission to the university.

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Additional Scholarships at the University of Calgary:

  • Alberta Innovates
  • Graduate Award Competition
  • Izaak Walton Killam Doctoral Scholarships
  • Open Doctoral Scholarships
  • Special Award
  • Bursaries

For further information regarding these awards, please consult the Calgary University Scholarship section of their website.

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Scholarships Offered by Trudeau Foundation

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation provides doctoral scholarships to students of the social sciences and humanities.

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Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships and Scholarships

Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded by the Canadian government to international students who intend to pursue postgraduate studies in the fields of health, social sciences, or natural sciences. The application process for the subsequent year commences in April.

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Canada Graduate Scholarships for Master’s Program

The primary objective of the CGS Master Scholarship scholarship is to offer support to individuals who wish to refine their research abilities or gain additional training. Students with exceptional academic records are prioritized for this scholarship.

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Scholarship Awards at Carleton University

Carleton University provides graduate students with three primary categories of Carleton scholarship awards.

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  • Teaching assistantships entail receiving compensation for assisting instructors with a variety of responsibilities, such as conducting tutorials and grading. TAships are available to all students.
  • Additionally, faculty members have the option to employ research assistants (RAs) for a variety of research endeavors.
  • Merit scholarships are granted to students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and are recommended by the department of their previous institution at the time of application.

Scholarships at Dalhousie University:


  • Postgraduate Scholarships by NSERC

Various Canadian government scholarships, grants, and awards available to outstanding students undertaking study in the natural sciences or engineering at an accredited Canadian university. More information on NSERC Scholarship can be found here.

  • Scholarships at Fairleigh Dickinson University

International students at Fairleigh Dickinson University, which is located in Vancouver, can find out further details about Fairleigh Dickinson University scholarships here.

  • Scholarships at Queen’s University

Queen’s University, which is located in Ontario, offers several Queen’s University scholarships to international students. Some are specifically reserved for students from the United States, Pakistan, and India.

  • Scholarships at the University of Saskatchewan

The University of Saskatchewan offers scholarships awards based on merit for international students at the undergraduate level.

  • Financial Aid and Scholarships at Simon Fraser University

Simon Fraser University offers several scholarships to both international and domestic students. International students are also provided with bursaries if financial need is demonstrated.

  • Student Aid and Scholarships at McGill University

The academic departments at McGill University are in charge of determining to fund for the students in terms of McGill University and third-party Scholarship schemes, so you can contact them directly.

Generally, students who are enrolled in research-based courses are given assistantships or fellowships by the university, but they can also get external funding, like provincial fellowships and grants.

  • Scholarships at the University of Western Ontario

Western Ontario School Scholarships are also available for international students who wish to pursue higher studieScholarships in Canada are currently open for online applications for the academic year 2021 for all national and international students. You can win a fully funded Canadian scholarship by taking your chance to submit free online applications for scholarships in Canadian Universities.

Well, worry no more! We have put together a list of Scholarships in Canada for international students in 2021, which you can apply for if you are eligible for them. In this article, we talk about all the details that you should know when making up your mind.

We spent countless hours coming up with this list, and normally we just hand this out to a student who applies to the Premium Counselling plan. but here we give this list of Scholarships in Canada for our readers for free!

However, we have decided to provide this list to all students now. Because we firmly believe that everyone should have the opportunity to go abroad and study, and the cost of foreign universities should not be the limiting factor for you.

Scholarships in Canada:

Let’s dive right into the list of all Scholarships in Canada that are available for international students and Canadian nationals:

  • Graduate Global Leadership Fellowships at UBC

The Graduate Global Leadership Fellowships at UBC are offered to individuals with leadership potential who belong to developing countries and wish to enroll for doctoral studies at the University. In particular, this scholarship is intended for people who have shown leadership in development work and humanitarian efforts in their respective countries.

  • International Master’s Degree and Doctoral Program Awards by the University of Waterloo

The International Master’s Degree and Doctoral Program Awards at the University of Waterloo are given to students in research-oriented graduate-level programs at the University, who have valid Canadian student visas. great funding opportunities for international students.

  • Vanier Canada Scholarship for Graduate Students

The Canadian Government has launched the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) has been launched by the government of Canada to attract Ph.D. level students, so that the country can be established as a center of research and excellent higher education.

To apply for the scholarship, you should prove excellent research potential, leadership qualities, and academic excellence in your Masters’s degrees in Humanities, Social Sciences, Engineering, Health, and Natural Sciences. The application process starts in July.

  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship

The Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) scheme a provincial government-run scheme designed to promote students who have excelled at the Master’s level and doctoral level. The scholarship is awarded on the basis of merit to students of all fields. The application deadline falls in October.

  • Ontario Trillium Scholarship

Ontario Trillium Scholarship is intended for highly qualified students from all over the world to pursue Ph.D. programs in Ontario.

  • Albert Canadian Scholarship

This Albert Canadian scholarship is sponsored by a Canadian NGO and the undergrad or postgrad students are selected for this award on a yearly basis.

  • Graduate Fellowships by University of Manitoba

The University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships, also called UMGF, are awarded on the basis of merit to students of all nationalities, who wish to pursue full-time graduate studies at the University. It can be given to students in any field, except for those pursuing MBA degrees or medicine.

  • Graduate Awards at University of Calgary

The Graduate Scholarship Office offers various awards to international students who receive admission offers by the university.

Other Scholarship Awards in University of Calgary:

  • Alberta Innovates
  • Graduate Award Competition
  • Izaak Walton Killam Doctoral Scholarships
  • Open Doctoral Scholarships
  • Special Award
  • Bursaries

You can find out more about these awards at the Calgary University Scholarship section of their website.

  • Scholarships Offered by Trudeau Foundation

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation offers doctoral scholarships to students of social sciences and humanities.

  • Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships and Scholarships

The government of Canada provides Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships to overseas students who wish to pursue postgraduate studies in health, social sciences, or natural sciences. The application process begins in April for the following year.

  • Canada Graduate Scholarships for Master’s Program

The main purpose of the CGS Master Scholarship scholarship is to provide assistance to individuals who want to hone their research skills or achieve further training. This scholarship favors students who have exceptional academic records.

  • Scholarship Awards at Carleton University

Carleton University offers three main types of Carleton scholarship awards to graduate students.

  • Teaching Assistantships involve receiving compensation for assisting teachers with different tasks, including grading and conducting tutorials. All students are considered for TAships.
  • Faculty members may also hire research assistants (RA) for various research projects.
  • Merit scholarships are offered to students with excellent academic performance upon the recommendation of the previous school’s department at the time of application.
  • Scholarships at Dalhousie University

The Dalhousie University, which is located in Halifax, offers scholarships to international and national students.

  • Postgraduate Scholarships by NSERC

Various Canadian government scholarships, grants, and awards available to outstanding students undertaking study in the natural sciences or engineering at an accredited Canadian university. More information on NSERC Scholarship can be found here.

  • Scholarships at Fairleigh Dickinson University

International students at Fairleigh Dickinson University, which is located in Vancouver, can find out further details about Fairleigh Dickinson University scholarships here.

  • Scholarships at Queen’s University

Queen’s University, which is located in Ontario, offers several Queen’s University scholarships to international students. Some are specifically reserved for students from the United States, Pakistan, and India.

  • Scholarships at the University of Saskatchewan

The University of Saskatchewan offers scholarships awards based on merit for international students at the undergraduate level.

  • Financial Aid and Scholarships at Simon Fraser University

Simon Fraser University offers several scholarships to both international and domestic students. International students are also provided with bursaries if financial need is demonstrated.

  • Student Aid and Scholarships at McGill University

The academic departments at McGill University are in charge of determining to fund for the students in terms of McGill University and third-party Scholarship schemes, so you can contact them directly.

Generally, students who are enrolled in research-based courses are given assistantships or fellowships by the university, but they can also get external funding, like provincial fellowships and grants.

  • Scholarships at the University of Western Ontario

Western Ontario School Scholarships are also available for international students who wish to pursue higher studies at this University.s at this University.

  1. What are the best scholarships available in Canada for international students?

    Some of the best scholarships include the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships, the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship, and the Ontario Trillium Scholarship. These scholarships offer generous funding for graduate and undergraduate students.

  2. How can I apply for a scholarship in Canada?

    To apply, visit the official scholarship websites (like EduCanada or university-specific pages), check the eligibility criteria, and follow the application instructions. Most scholarships require academic excellence and some may need research proposals.

  3. Do Canadian scholarships cover tuition fees and living expenses?

    Yes, many scholarships, like the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship and Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships, cover tuition, living expenses, and additional costs such as books and fees.

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